Knowledge Center

Oracle DB Migration to Azure SQL Server in 7 Steps

Oracle DB Migration to Azure SQL Server in 7 Steps

Healthcare providers may need to perform an Oracle DB migration for various reasons. In some cases, the version in ...
A Guide to MySQL Database Migration for Health Data

A Guide to MySQL Database Migration for Health Data

MySQL database migration can be a daunting task, but it is necessary in order to keep up with the changing ...
Healthcare data migration: Common challenges and solutions

Healthcare data migration: Common challenges and solutions

Health data migration is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. As healthcare ...
Data Stewardship in Healthcare: A Who’s Who

Data Stewardship in Healthcare: A Who’s Who

Data is becoming increasingly important in the healthcare industry. As data piles up, it becomes more difficult to ...
EHR Data Transfer – 6 Steps to Successfully Move Data to a New EHR

EHR Data Transfer – 6 Steps to Successfully Move Data to a New EHR

Moving data from one EHR to another can be pretty challenging. But that does not mean you should abandon your EHR ...
The 21st Century Cures Act: Are You Ready?

The 21st Century Cures Act: Are You Ready?

The 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in 2016, is designed to give patients greater access to and more ...
What Is EMR Conversion? 5 Strategies That Enhance Success

What Is EMR Conversion? 5 Strategies That Enhance Success

EMR conversion can pose a challenge to any provider that goes through a merger, acquisition, or puts away an aging ...
Healthcare Data Extraction: 3 Ways EHR Data Improves Patient Care

Healthcare Data Extraction: 3 Ways EHR Data Improves Patient Care

by Mediquant | Feb 14, 2022 Efficient healthcare data extraction plays a vital role in hospital ...
EMR Management System: 5 Ways to Efficiently Manage EHR Data

EMR Management System: 5 Ways to Efficiently Manage EHR Data

Massive EHR adoption has multiplied the volume of data available to healthcare providers. ...
5 Keys to Successful Healthcare Data Migration

5 Keys to Successful Healthcare Data Migration

Virtually all healthcare providers will need to perform an EMR data migration. Whether you need to switch EHRs ...
4 Effective Strategies for MySQL Migration

4 Effective Strategies for MySQL Migration

MySQL migration is an integral part of moving your data to a cloud platform. It is a complex task that requires ...
5 Ways to Prepare For Your EMR Conversion

5 Ways to Prepare For Your EMR Conversion

EMRs can boost efficiency or become a bottleneck depending on how they are managed. Where there’s proper EMR ...

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