Explore MediQuant’s  Platform

MediQuant is healthcare’s premier tech platform for data lifecycle management and enterprise archiving. DataArk, combined with our suite of supporting applications, delivers a secure, versatile, interoperable repository for legacy data.

It’s a proven tech stack. When deployed by our expert team, in tandem with our streamlined planning process, our technology suite allows us to address static archives, active archives, and operating ERP systems with a workflow supported transition over time.

Our suite of supporting applications work hand-in-hand with DataArk’s common data repository in a way that is intuitive, actionable and scalable, providing an active view of patient records from within your EMR, ERP or Patient Accounting systems and driving decision-making through business intelligence analytics and reporting.

There’s a Better Way to Manage Your Data Lifecycle

Sometimes your legacy data doesn’t demand a complex data archiving solution. OpenArk® secures legacy records and system data in a low-cost SQL archive, allowing you to shrink your tech stack and reclaim IT resources.

OpenArk is:

  • HIPAA- and ODBC-compliant
  • MediQuant-hosted
  • Affordable
  • Highly secure
  • Designed for storage of infrequently accessed, but highly valued, data

Compared to operating legacy and go-forward systems in parallel, OpenArk offers greater efficiency and affordability while maintaining compliance with federal and organizational information governance requirements.

It’s time to liberate your data from legacy systems that have outlived their support, create security risks and drain IT resources. With OpenArk, formerly disconnected and inaccessible data resides in one secure, Microsoft SQL database that replicates your legacy systems’ structure. Users have query-level data access for analytics, reporting, compliance and research through enterprise applications and reporting tools.

Best of all, you can retire legacy systems, streamline your tech stack – and save money.

A Best-in-Class Data Mapping and Loading Toolkit

Full implementation support isn’t right for every scenario. With ArkLoad®, MediQuant’s in-house team can leverage a best-in-class standardization and migration toolkit to migrate your legacy data into DataArk®.

For smaller, less complex legacy systems, ArkLoad is a proven tool that saves you time and money while ensuring that legacy data is mapped and structured for maximum usability.

Extracting and migrating data from a legacy system into an active archive is tricky. No two systems are the same, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But ArkLoad reduces the stress and uncertainty of each migration.

The ArkLoad toolkit includes a viewer, mapper, loader, validator, and visualizer along with the expert guidance of MediQuant’s team and best practice methodology.

ArkLoad is the healthcare industry’s best-in-class data mapping and loading toolkit. With ArkLoad, you can ensure the integrity of your legacy data, harness the intelligence of the most advanced rules set available today, and successfully transition your legacy data to DataArk.

Manage Your Application Inventory with MediQuant's Rationalization Tool

ApplicationArk®, MediQuant’s enterprise application rationalization tool, comprehensively documents an organization’s applications and collects information about each, including cost, business and technical value, functional contribution, and data relevance. By applying algorithms and logic to the data, ApplicationArk analyzes the inventory, identifying duplicate systems, their cost-to-business ratio, technical quality, functionality, interface needs and contractual obligations.

With ApplicationArk, your health systems can automate the manual tasks of managing enterprise applications, including:

  • Creation of a Single Source of Truth for Application Inventory
  • Improving the Speed and Quality of Decision Making
  • Building an Application Disposition Roadmap
  • Prioritizing Decommissioning Projects

Enable “One Patient, One Record” through Data Conversion

When a health system acquires ambulatory practices or groups, it also needs to address the array of applications and volumes of data that come with them. With PatientArchive® from MediQuant, your next ASC or physician practice acquisition can truly deliver a smooth system transition.

With MediQuant as your partner, troublesome practice transitions to new systems is greatly simplified through our proprietary technology-based scoping and contracting process. With efficient, cost-effective support and proven applications, we help you identify and decommission the systems you no longer need and migrate valuable legacy data to an archive solution.

PatientArchive encompasses our entire suite of ambulatory system transition support and technology solutions.

Accessing and maintaining use of legacy data from within your current active user environment allows your organization to:

  • Present clinicians with HIPAA-compliant, single-sign-on access to historical clinical data
  • Centralize legacy data
  • Maintain typical technology workflows for your team
  • Improve audits by extending secure access to data in a single repository
  • Expedite and ensure more complete Release of Information fulfillment
  • Archives financial data such as charges and transactions in a read-only state

The end result? PatientArchive lets you eliminate duplicate systems, save money on associated maintenance and licensing fees, and retain the historical data and patient records you need.

Uncover Insights from Your Legacy Data with ArchiveInsights

Archived data that is accessible, organized and searchable can be invaluable to a healthcare organization. ArchiveInsights® transforms your legacy data into a treasure trove of visuals, insights and reporting that fuels smart decision-making.

Legacy data not only supports patient care, it also drives mission-driven business decisions that enable organizations to increase revenue, improve operational efficiency and compete effectively in the marketplace. Healthcare leaders need access to accurate historical information, but when legacy data is scattered across disconnected, inactive and non-interoperable systems, reporting, analysis and forecasting becomes a challenge.

DataArk®, MediQuant’s active enterprise archiving platform, aggregates essential information into one secure, centralized repository. From there, MediQuant’s ArchiveInsights application goes to work, making it easy to visually display data and extract business insights.

With ArchiveInsights, health system users gain a greater understanding of their organization’s archived information. They are able to query datasets in DataArk and present the findings in easy-to-digest dashboards and reports including Financial, AR, Clinical and HIM views.

Resolve Patient Identities and Match Patients to Their Data with ArchiveMPI

Enhanced patient matching consolidates multiple patient records or accounts across multiple systems.  ArchiveMPI utilizes industry-leading patient matching technology to link patient records from every legacy system it archives to create a singular record in DataArk for each patient. DataArk then links this aggregated data to the patient’s active EHR record (if available) where it may be accessed in context with the current record. ArchiveMPI resolves patient identities and matches patients to their data with the highest accuracy rates in the industry.

Prisma Health Saves $14 Million Annually While Creating Robust, Centralized Archive

Prisma Health Saves $14 Million Annually While Creating Robust, Centralized Archive

Prisma Health began its archiving journey with MediQuant to preserve the financial and clinical

Sentara Healthcare: Choosing the Right Archiving Partner for Optimum Integration and Patient Care

Sentara Healthcare: Choosing the Right Archiving Partner for Optimum Integration and Patient Care

When Sentara Healthcare was integrating its ninth acquisition and second largest facility into ...

UI Health Decommissions Systems and Saves $2M+

UI Health Decommissions Systems and Saves $2M+

Transitioning to a new EHR during a pandemic is like walking a tightrope. It’s no wonder that ...

Leading Healthcare Organization Entrusts MediQuant With Legacy Data Archiving Project

Leading Healthcare Organization Entrusts MediQuant With Legacy Data Archiving Project

MediQuant is conducting a multi-phased rollout to address the legacy archiving needs – a ...

MaineHealth Partners With MediQuant to Archive Data Across 70 Different Legacy Applications

MaineHealth Partners With MediQuant to Archive Data Across 70 Different Legacy Applications

MaineHealth needed an archiving solution that allowed it to store legacy health system data ...

Missouri Delta Takes the Fear Out of Archiving and Saves Millions

Missouri Delta Takes the Fear Out of Archiving and Saves Millions

Missouri Delta Medical Center was no stranger to Electronic Health Record (EHR) transitions, ...

Yale New Haven Health Adopts Single Electronic Health Record and Saves $2.6 Million Annually

Yale New Haven Health Adopts Single Electronic Health Record and Saves $2.6 Million Annually

MediQuant collaborated with Yale New Haven Health to transition five EHRs to one and achieve a ...

MediQuant Utilizes RightPath® Process for Full Discrete EMR Conversion

MediQuant Utilizes RightPath® Process for Full Discrete EMR Conversion

The Challenge A community health center was replacing its EMR system with athenaClinicals and ...

MediQuant archives legacy data from 5 MedHost® systems and orchestrates simultaneous DataArk® go-lives to meet large health system’s aggressive deadline

MediQuant archives legacy data from 5 MedHost® systems and orchestrates simultaneous DataArk® go-lives to meet large health system’s aggressive deadline

The Challenge In 2017, multiple independent healthcare facilities in Eastern Pennsylvania ...

Post-Acquisition Legacy Data Archiving

Post-Acquisition Legacy Data Archiving

Swift Migration of Legacy Data by DataArk Saves Millions of Dollars for Medical Center

Swift Migration of Legacy Data by DataArk Saves Millions of Dollars for Medical Center

University of Mississippi Medical Center selected DataArk® as the solution for decommissioning ...

Optimal Patient Care Protected by Data Migration During Medical Software Update

Optimal Patient Care Protected by Data Migration During Medical Software Update

Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System preserves access to patient healthcare records ...

John Muir Health Cuts Costs, Secures Data, Sheds Legacy Systems

John Muir Health Cuts Costs, Secures Data, Sheds Legacy Systems

John Muir Health and MediQuant collaborated to move multiple terabytes of clinical, financial ...

EMR Consolidation Success Story

EMR Consolidation Success Story

A regional health system based in North Carolina recently met the challenge of EMR data ...

Prisma Health Saves $14 Million Annually While Creating Robust, Centralized Archive

Prisma Health Saves $14 Million Annually While Creating Robust, Centralized Archive

Prisma Health began its archiving journey with MediQuant to preserve the financial and clinical

Sentara Healthcare: Choosing the Right Archiving Partner for Optimum Integration and Patient Care

Sentara Healthcare: Choosing the Right Archiving Partner for Optimum Integration and Patient Care

When Sentara Healthcare was integrating its ninth acquisition and second largest facility into ...

UI Health Decommissions Systems and Saves $2M+

UI Health Decommissions Systems and Saves $2M+

Transitioning to a new EHR during a pandemic is like walking a tightrope. It’s no wonder that ...

Leading Healthcare Organization Entrusts MediQuant With Legacy Data Archiving Project

Leading Healthcare Organization Entrusts MediQuant With Legacy Data Archiving Project

MediQuant is conducting a multi-phased rollout to address the legacy archiving needs – a ...

MaineHealth Partners With MediQuant to Archive Data Across 70 Different Legacy Applications

MaineHealth Partners With MediQuant to Archive Data Across 70 Different Legacy Applications

MaineHealth needed an archiving solution that allowed it to store legacy health system data ...

Missouri Delta Takes the Fear Out of Archiving and Saves Millions

Missouri Delta Takes the Fear Out of Archiving and Saves Millions

Missouri Delta Medical Center was no stranger to Electronic Health Record (EHR) transitions, ...

Yale New Haven Health Adopts Single Electronic Health Record and Saves $2.6 Million Annually

Yale New Haven Health Adopts Single Electronic Health Record and Saves $2.6 Million Annually

MediQuant collaborated with Yale New Haven Health to transition five EHRs to one and achieve a ...

MediQuant Utilizes RightPath® Process for Full Discrete EMR Conversion

MediQuant Utilizes RightPath® Process for Full Discrete EMR Conversion

The Challenge A community health center was replacing its EMR system with athenaClinicals and ...

MediQuant archives legacy data from 5 MedHost® systems and orchestrates simultaneous DataArk® go-lives to meet large health system’s aggressive deadline

MediQuant archives legacy data from 5 MedHost® systems and orchestrates simultaneous DataArk® go-lives to meet large health system’s aggressive deadline

The Challenge In 2017, multiple independent healthcare facilities in Eastern Pennsylvania ...

Post-Acquisition Legacy Data Archiving

Post-Acquisition Legacy Data Archiving

Swift Migration of Legacy Data by DataArk Saves Millions of Dollars for Medical Center

Swift Migration of Legacy Data by DataArk Saves Millions of Dollars for Medical Center

University of Mississippi Medical Center selected DataArk® as the solution for decommissioning ...

Optimal Patient Care Protected by Data Migration During Medical Software Update

Optimal Patient Care Protected by Data Migration During Medical Software Update

Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System preserves access to patient healthcare records ...

John Muir Health Cuts Costs, Secures Data, Sheds Legacy Systems

John Muir Health Cuts Costs, Secures Data, Sheds Legacy Systems

John Muir Health and MediQuant collaborated to move multiple terabytes of clinical, financial ...

EMR Consolidation Success Story

EMR Consolidation Success Story

A regional health system based in North Carolina recently met the challenge of EMR data ...

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