A west coast-based, multi-location healthcare system identified the strategic priority of right-sizing its technology footprint in response to cost reduction and regulatory pressure. 500 apps were vetted containing terabytes of data, some of which still required easy access by multiple stakeholders for clinical care and response to requests for information.

One of the projects within the long-term initiative focused on a system that was beginning to fail. The objective was to archive quickly and accurately to protect the data from loss that would negatively impact care, compliance, and productivity.

When the data was originally extracted, there was no unique identifier for distinguishing physician data from hospital data. Complicating the situation was a zero market availability of a subject matter expert for that particular system. Additionally, the system showed signs of failure, potentially compromising the integrity of the data. It was so unstable that it was no longer possible to post payments. Time, data integrity, resources…all were greatly constrained.

MediQuant was selected to support the retirement objective using the DataArk active archiving software and implementation services. The most critical outcome of the objective was to preserve the integrity of the data before the hard deadline. MediQuant used DataArk to intelligently identify and accurately separate it using patterns.

The data was safely and easily accessible in DataArk. The work was completed more than a month ahead of the hard deadline. The organization avoided extensive software renewal costs with a net positive impact on expenses.