Healthcare IT Solutions: 3 High-Impact Trends

Healthcare IT Solutions: 3 High-Impact Trends

The healthcare industry is at the forefront of digitization. Aside from the increasing adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices to improve patient care, there is also a huge shift in the way doctors and medical professionals make use of healthcare IT...
Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare data management broadens the spectrum of data collection within a healthcare facility. The data that drives the healthcare industry is becoming more and more complicated. It used to be that the data collected was straightforward: basic demographic and...
EMR Data Migration Best Practices In Healthcare

EMR Data Migration Best Practices In Healthcare

Healthcare data is growing at an unprecedented rate. In order to keep up with this data growth, organizations are turning to electronic medical record (EMR) systems. However, migrating to a new EMR can be a daunting task. Healthcare organizations need to consider many...
Oracle DB Migration to Azure SQL Server in 7 Steps

Oracle DB Migration to Azure SQL Server in 7 Steps

Healthcare providers may need to perform an Oracle DB migration for various reasons. In some cases, the version in use may be outdated and lacking vendor support. Migration may also be necessary to meet business needs, take advantage of new technology, or move to a...